Tuesday 28 November 2017

Every One is born with a Talent …

The one who Present Skills  / Express their Talents, 

are Only Recognized and are Successful in Life.

For Expressing the Talent in a right way , the person first 

should know "How to Present it ??"....

Talent results in Good performance , Good performance 

comes from Consistent  Smart working  , Systematic Review with 

RCA (Root cause analysis) and CAPA (Corrective and Preventive


While coming to the point Good Performance, Many of us 

perform well but are not good at Presenting.

Everything in Life can be measured through Data , Actual or 


Data Presentation is a Tool which measures our Performance.

For Data Presentation we need to now the Tool of presenting. 

Many Softwares are developed where there have made life easier 

by Automating Data Management...

But how many ever may be the Advanced Software found, basic

reporting will be made in “MS-EXCEL”.

💻 Even if you come from a software development and computer 

science background. U will look down upon Management who 

use excel for Task Management while they are thousands of lines 

of C++ code.

Even if u work on bug tracking and management, 

Guess what U use? 

Excel, ofcourse ...Then when moving to testing, and U need the 

simplest way to port test data from script outputs to make reports 

for the management team. 

Any guesses? 

Excel’s data import functionality.

U been a part of a team that use the functionalities in Excel to 

model really Large business cases - U should know how to read 

an Excel file! 

U have to learn the tricks of Excel.

Counting, subtraction, multiplication, summation,

For each, there is a unique function

Some of its features are really cool! You can use it for copying 

and pasting 

You can do conditional formatting, You can use it for data filtering,

You can use it for maths,

You can use it for stats,

You can create macros and formulae

And with each cell, it lets you play!

You can draw pies and graphs,

You can prepare all kinds of charts,

.xls is the extension of the only file,

which makes the management smile 😊

Now go ahead and learn Excel to Excel in ur Profession.. 👍

And they is no Question of MBA or UG students who come from

any core subjects  like.. 

1. Sales & Marketing

2. Finance

3. Costing

4. Human Resources

5. Material Management....etc

Excel Skills are necessary to understand Management Reporting...


Now learn how to EXCEL in MS-EXCEL

We generally have an thinking that learning EXCEL else Data 

reporting is a simple one which can be learned after getting JOB.

But there are many tools which are useful to learn before joining 

an Organization...

Every company has its own format to be filled , Data to be projected,

Analysis to be made. Using Excel, you can present your performance.

Even it is Self Assessment Report to assign your Own performance...

However good your are in Work , you have to present in a 

Professional manner to project your Performance..

It is tool to Remind, Mend your target yourself, It is a Hidden 

Boss who supports you to know yourself

One of the best tool to present data / Performance is a Graph


Reports are mostly used in All the departments, Learning the 

below Topics to Sustain in this Competitive Work Environment....

1. Advanced Excel

2. Macros for Data Management(Reduces Repetitive Works)

3. Report Analysis

4. Dynamic Excel Charts

5. Interactive Power Point Presentation

6. Process Flow Chart

7. SWOT Analysis


👆 Above All Skills are essential to get a Job and even Sustain 

later ...  

All type of Departments need the Skills....👇

1. Sales & Marketing

2. HR

3. Brand Analytics

4. Production

5. Purchase

6. Finance & Costing

7. Customer Care

8. Stores

9. Subcontract

10. Company Secretary.......

Course Covers the below List of Topics : 

1. MIS Reports (Management Information Systems)

2. BI Reports (Business Intelligence)

3. Data Analysis Reports

4. Data Forms, Report Templates

5. Interactive PowerPoint Templates

6. Process Flow chart

7. SWOT Analysis


TOPICS    1 -4 





• Data  : A  Fact or a piece of information

• Information : Knowledge discerned from Data

• Business Intelligence : Information Management pertaining to 

an organization’s policy or decision – making , particularly 

when tied to strategic or operational Objectives

A Data should be with all the information required. For getting a Graph , 

Good Data formatting is required 



Bar & Line Graph Combined :

Bar and Line with Trend Graph : 

If you have a Target of 10  Tasks / may be that relate to 

Sales/ Data collection / Data entry / Finance information /

Back office work / Production / Top Management . 


Anecdotes  / Analysis Points : 

1. Even after reviewing the previous years average - Targets are 

not revised .  Management should have reviewed the performance 

in a periodically manner so that the required training should have 

being given to continue the Task.

2. Monthly Data should be reviewed to upgrade the performance, 

else there will be shocks to Boss and themselves. 

Consistency is much important than.. Target Achievements. 

3. Go through Micro level data to analyze where he did better 

Performance and continue the systems or learning to improve

or sustain the same performance.

 4. There is a Trend line where it shows the projection based 

on previous months achievements



Here you can  see the State, which can be selected , also another 

arrow shows the Persons in that state , where at a glance all the data 

for all states and all staff are captured here using Data format : 

Vlookup, IF , Pivot Tables, Name Manager ,  List box  , Data Graph  

Layout , Name manager


You would have worked on Vlookup using for data , but we can 

use it for picture  also, for example : if we select Name the Image 





Color is a Good tool in Analyzing... 

It is an Symbolic Representation


Name Manager, Data Validation, Indirect, Substitute, Shapes, 

Conditional Formatting

This is a Excel Sheet which resembles like a Form for Data entry 

which can be used for automating Sales Reports & Performance



Macros Enable to reduce the Time in working on Repeated Tasks

Macros help in recording the Task and repeat End 

number of times which saves time and manual Errors.

For example  Bulk Emails , Formatted reports , Data Alignment , 

Corrections etc. 

List of Advanced Formulas to present DATA

1. Vlookup ; Hlookup

2. Hyperlinks

3. Pivot Table  & Pivot Reporting

4. Data Validation 

5. Advanced Charting

6. Advanced Filter & Sort

7. Grouping

8. Conditional Formatting

9. Protecting Sheets

10. Name Manager


Editing Workbooks
Cell / Text Alignment Entering, Editing ,Deleting, Moving & Copying Text / Data
Format Cells ( Numbers, Dates)
Font Style  & Size
Text Alignment 
Borders & Shades
Merge & Wrap
Format Painter
Save As Excel
Create New Excel Sheet
Move or Copy Sheets
Hiding / Deleting Sheets
Open / Shift / Close
Adding Shapes/Text Box
Pivot Tables Pivot Table Wizard • Changing the pivot table layout • Formatting • 
Grouping items • Inserting fields • Pivot Table Options
Lay out reports directly on worksheet • Pivot Chart
Using navigation techniques  1) CTRL + Arrow Key. While the arrow keys are used to navigate
around the worksheet, they only move one cell at a time. ...
  2) SHIFT + Arrow Key. ...
  3) CTRL + PgUp/PgDown. ...
  4) F2 key
  5) CTRL + 1
Protect & UnProtect Rows/Columns/Sheet
Sharing a file • Tracking changes • Accepting or rejecting changes 
Smart Charts Organisational Charts, Dynamic Charts, Editing and Formatting charts 
Formatting Worksheets
Print Alignment Adjust Margins
Page Orientation
Header and Footer
Inser Page Breaks
Set Background
Page View Freeze Panes
Formatting and Proofing Formatting Cells with Number formats, Font formats, Alignment,
Borders, etc • Copying and Clearing Formats • Working with Styles •
Spell Check, Find & Replace and AutoCorrect
Conditional Formatting Color shading based on Values / Formulae
Unique & Duplicate Text Highlight & Removal
Icon Sets
Data Filters (Advanced Filters)
Data Sorting (Sorting Data • Adding Subtotals • Autofilter •
Freeze Panes • Group and Outline )
Using Ranges
Data Validation ( Using Auto Lists & Applying Data validation rules
• Inserting comments, Advanced List Management )
Precedents/Dependents • Goto Special  
Using Styles
Using Themes
Using Templates
Using Macros Introduction to Macros • Automate repeated works
Purpose of Macros • Recording macros • Where to save macros 
Running macros: • Custom buttons, menu items, keyboard shortcuts 
Using Outlook Email Link
Working with Formula Sum, Average, Max, Min, Coun, CountA, Countif, If Statements,
Nested If, If And , If OR , Combining If, Sum If, Proper ,Lower, Left,
Right, Substitute , Indirect
Lookup & Information Functions •  Vertical Lookup (Vlookup) • Horizontal Lookup (Hlookup) 
Vlookup Picture
Match & Index
Range Names • Concept and Purpose • Naming individual or range cells
• Deleting and amending named ranges
• Using named cells/ranges in formulae
Formulae Auditing Tools • Revealing Formulae • Tracing  
Name Manager
Advanced Charting Using List Box
Advanced Filter
Grouping , UnGrouping
IsText, IsDate , IsNull , IsErr, Is Error, IsNa
What If Analysis  Scenarios • Goal Seek • Solver

Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Redo
Cropping Image Crop
Ctrl+D/R/L Copy text from Above/Right/Left
Ctrl+H Find & Replace
Ctrl+F Find
Ctrl+W Close Excel
Ctrl+ / - Insert/Delete
Ctrl+A Selection
Alt += Sum
Ctrl+Scroll Zoom out / in
Alt +Enter Wrap Text
F4 / fn + F4 Auto Repeat
ALT Shortcuts
Print Screen Screen Shot
Ctrl+P Print



1. Top Ten Power Point Slide Tips 

2. Create a basic flowchart 

3. Corrective Action & Preventive Action (CAPA) + PDCA 

4. SWOT Analysis 



Students , Professionals : Executives, Team or Personal Assistants, 

Administrators, Coordinators, Office Managers, Finance Managers and 

others in corporate operational roles. Research has shown that the role 

of the Executive Assistant has evolved considerably in recent years.

Support staffs are often expected to initiate their own report writing and 

even perform some level of financial analysis.

     This specialized course is not a general Excel training course; rather it 

     teaches the use of Advance Excel with Analytical Skills in a Reporting context. 

     Contact @ email ID: exceltoexcel24@gmail.com






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